Monday Jun 27, 2022
BTS 10: Summer Music Special w/ Andy Ball and Hollis Bryan
Monday Jun 27, 2022
Monday Jun 27, 2022
BTS 10: Summer Music Special
Songs are one way to tell a story. In this episode we will talk to a couple musicians (Andy Ball of Rival Dads & Hollis Bryan) who are telling stories through song in Anchorage.
For More:
Rival Dads:
Hollis Bryan:
Monday May 16, 2022
BTS 9: Turning the Tables w/ Julia O’Malley: The Imagine Project
Monday May 16, 2022
Monday May 16, 2022
BTS 9:
Turning the Tables w/ Julia O’Malley: The Imagine Project
On our last episode we heard from Julia O’Malley about the stories of Anchorage’s pandemic year that she is compiling. On this episode we turn the tables and Julia interviews Joel Kiekintveld and Jessica Louwerse about the Anchorage Urban Training Collaborative’s Imagine Project.
For More:
Monday May 02, 2022
BTS 8: Telling Anchorage’s Pandemic Stories w/ Julia O’Malley
Monday May 02, 2022
Monday May 02, 2022
Over the past couple of years the world has experienced a global pandemic. The stories of the pandemic and its effects are as varied as the people that lived through the COVID era. On this episode we are thinking about the pandemic stories of Anchorage with journalist Julia O’Malley.
For More:
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Monday Feb 21, 2022
BTS 7: 4th Ave. & E St. – The Intersection of Black History Month & Fur Rendezvous
February is Black History month. In Anchorage February also means it’s time for the Fur Rendezvous. At the corner of 4th avenue and E street those two things come together.
Resources used to make this episode:
Bagoy, J.P., 2001. Legends & Legacies: Anchorage 1910-1935. John P. Bagoy. p.158-159.
Monday Dec 20, 2021
Monday Dec 20, 2021
BTS 6: Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a Christmas Episode!
If you were watching TV in the 1950’s and an episode of Superman came on you would have heard the famous introduction to the show yelled by a crowd gazing heavenward: “Look up in the sky! It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane! It’s Superman.” But it’s not just superheroes that draw our eyes to the sky, so does Christmas - especially in Alaska. In this episode we look up at a star, airplanes, and a special sleigh and more as we look forward to Christmas.
Resources used to make this episode:
Monday Nov 29, 2021
S2:E13 - BONUS: Thanksgiving Leftovers
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Thanksgiving Leftovers
This is a bonus Thanksgiving Leftovers episode. There were a couple of short stories that we uncovered in putting together our Hope City episode last week that were just too good to not tell.
Resources used to make this episode:
Barry, M.J., 1973. A history of mining on the Kenai Peninsula. Alaska Northwest Publishing Company, p. p.31-32.
Monday Nov 22, 2021
S2:E12 - Hope City
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Hope City
Stop me if you’ve heard this one. It’s a story about a King and his gold. A tale of a ghost town that was once the largest city in the territory. A drama with the speed and power of a cannonball. And it all takes place just 25 miles from Anchorage as the crow flies.
Resources used to make this episode:
Olthuis, Diane, 1999. Historic Building Survey Report: Hope, Alaska. Hope and Sunrise Historical Society, p. 38-40.
Barry, M.J., 1973. A history of mining on the Kenai Peninsula. Alaska Northwest Publishing Company, p. p.31-32, 34, 37, 46, 49-50, 52-53.
Morgan, Albert W., & Buzzell, Rolfe G., 2013 (2nd Ed.). Memories of Old Sunrise: Gold Mining on Alaska’s Turnagain Arm. Cook Inlet Historical Society & Hope and Sunrise Historical Society, p. X-XIII.
Carlson, P.D. and Bill, L.D., 2006. Aunt Phil's Trunk: Up to 1900 (Vol. 1, 3rd ed.). Aunt Phil's Trunk, p. 148ff.
Bodett, Tom, 1985. As Far As You Can Go Without a Passport. Perseus Books, p. 118.
Chesterton, Gilbert Keith. 1985. The Bodley Head G.K. Chesterton. London: Bodley Head, p 271.
Rocke, K. & Van Dyke, J., 2017, Incarnational training framework: A training guide for developing leaders engaged in city transformation, 2nd edn., Street Psalms Press, Tacoma, p. 49.
Monday Nov 15, 2021
Monday Nov 15, 2021
Moving Toward More Diverse Representation: w/ Austin Quinn-Davidson & E.J.R. David
If you follow the news in Anchorage you might be aware that the City Assembly and the Mayor are currently at odds. One of the many areas of conflict is around the newly created position of Chief Equity Officer. What might get missed in the news coverage is the underlying issue of how Anchorage can be represented in a more equitable way. In this episode we consider how the leadership of the city can become the way it is supposed to be for all people.
Austin Quinn-Davidson: former acting Mayor of Anchorage & current Assembly member – https://www.facebook.com/mayorAQD - https://www.facebook.com/anchorageassemblyAQD - https://www.austinquinndavidson.com/ - http://www.muni.org/departments/assembly/Pages/default.aspx
Dr. E.J.R. David: Professor of psychology at the University of Alaska Anchorage, author, speaker and consultant - https://www.facebook.com/ejrdavid - https://ejrdavid.wixsite.com/ejrdavid
All during this season of the AnchorEd City Podcast we are exploring places in the city where things are, or are becoming, more like they should be for all people.
During the months of September, October, and November we are partnering with Kaladi Brothers Coffee to hear from you about what would make Anchorage the way it is supposed to be for all people. Go to: AnchorageUTC.org/allpeople for participating locations and more info.
Can’t make it to a café? No worries.
You can share your thoughts by going to facebook.com/AnchorageUTC.
Resources used to make this episode:
Monday Nov 08, 2021
S2:E10 - Anchorage, Boston, Elections and All Male Mayors
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Anchorage, Boston, Elections and All Male Mayors
Anchorage and Boston don’t have a lot in common, but they do share one interesting overlap – a long history of only having male mayors. In this episode we consider Anchorage’s political history from its first vote in 1915 (to name the city) up to the most recent mayoral election.
All during this season of the AnchorEd City Podcast we are exploring places in the city where things are, or are becoming, more like they should be for all people.
During the months of September, October, and November we are partnering with Kaladi Brothers Coffee to hear from you about what would make Anchorage the way it is supposed to be for all people. Go to: AnchorageUTC.org/allpeople for participating locations and more info.
Can’t make it to a café? No worries.
You can share your thoughts by going to facebook.com/AnchorageUTC.
Resources used to make this episode:
Carlson, P.D. and Bill, L.D., 2008. Aunt Phil's Trunk: 1912-1935 (Vol. 3). Aunt Phil's Trunk. p.74-75.
Bagoy, J.P., 2001. Legends & Legacies. John P. Bagoy. p. 42-43.
Tower, E., 1999. Anchorage: From its humble origins as a railroad construction camp. Epicenter Press. p.49-51.
Anchorage Daily Times, Nov. 3, 1920. Anchorage Business Men and Property Owners Decisively Decide To Incorporate Town. Page 1.
Monday Nov 01, 2021
S2:E9 - Following in Zach’s Steps: Community Minded Businesses in Anchorage
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Following in Zach’s Steps: Community Minded Businesses in Anchorage
In our last episode we learned about ZJ Loussac, a business man in early Anchorage who retired to be a philanthropist and had a deep love for the city.
On this episode we are hearing from three Anchorage business leaders following in the community building spirit of Loussac.
Tim Gravel: President, Kaladi Brothers Coffee - https://kaladi.com - https://www.facebook.com/KaladiBrothersCoffee
Ted Rosenzweig: Owner, Turnagain Brewing - https://www.turnagainbrewing.com - https://www.facebook.com/TurnagainBrewing
Brittani Clancey: Founder, Fashion Pact - https://www.fashionpact.com - https://www.facebook.com/FashionPactResale
All during this season of the AnchorEd City Podcast we are exploring places in the city where things are, or are becoming, more like they should be for all people.
During the months of September, October, and November we are partnering with Kaladi Brothers Coffee to hear from you about what would make Anchorage the way it is supposed to be for all people. Go to: AnchorageUTC.org/allpeople for participating locations and more info.
Can’t make it to a café? No worries.
You can share your thoughts by going to facebook.com/AnchorageUTC.
Monday Oct 25, 2021
Monday Oct 25, 2021
Giving It All Away: Billionaires In Space And The Anchorage Public Library
Billionaires have been in the news a lot recently because they have been racing to space. But have you ever heard of Chuck Feeney, a man that gave away his fortune? Do you know why the Anchorage Public Library is named after ZJ Loussac? The answer has much more to do with Feeney than it does zero-g joyrides.
All during this season of the AnchorEd City Podcast we are exploring places in the city where things are, or are becoming, more like they should be for all people.
During the months of September, October, and November we are partnering with Kaladi Brothers Coffee to hear from you about what would make Anchorage the way it is supposed to be for all people. Go to: AnchorageUTC.org/allpeople for participating locations and more info.
Can’t make it to a café? No worries.
You can share your thoughts by going to facebook.com/AnchorageUTC.
Resources used to make this episode:
Anchorage Daily Times, July 13, 1962, Loussac Gets JFK’S Greetings & 80th Celebration Comes to an End (Pictures on page 2 and 10)
Anchorage Daily News, July 10, 1962, A Memorable Occasion for a Man and a City & Celebration to Prove Loussac Not Forgotten
Carlson, P., Kennedy, M., Cernick, C., 1981. Anchorage: The Way it Was. Historic Landmark Preservation Commission, Municipality of Anchorage.
Anchorage History Walk sign on the Loussac-Sogn Building at 4th and D St.
Jones, P., 2010. City for Empire: An Anchorage History, 1914-1941. University of Alaska Press.
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Monday Oct 18, 2021
“It’s Unacceptable To Be Sex Trafficked, But It’s Acceptable to Buy Sex”: Escaping Sex Trafficking In Anchorage
Alaska is a sex traffickers paradise. And we live in country where is seems that “It’s Unacceptable To Be Sex Trafficked, But It’s Acceptable to Buy Sex.” Into that world step the courageous helpers at Priceless and Covenant House Alaska. We talk to both organization on this episode.
Gwen Adams, Founder & Executive Director: Priceless - https://www.pricelessalaska.org - https://www.facebook.com/pricelessAK/ - https://www.instagram.com/pricelessalaska/
Josh Louwerse – Director of Integrated Services: Covenant House Alaska
Josie Heyano – Anti-Trafficking Navigator: Covenant House Alaska
https://covenanthouseak.org - https://www.facebook.com/CovenantHouseAK - https://www.instagram.com/covenanthouseak/
All during this season of the AnchorEd City Podcast we are exploring places in the city where things are, or are becoming, more like they should be for all people.
During the months of September, October, and November we are partnering with Kaladi Brothers Coffee to hear from you about what would make Anchorage the way it is supposed to be for all people. Go to: AnchorageUTC.org/allpeople for participating locations and more info.
Can’t make it to a café? No worries.
You can share your thoughts by going to facebook.com/AnchorageUTC.
Resources used to make this episode:
https://www.facebook.com/GlacierBrewHouse/ (Post on Aug. 11, 2021)
Monday Oct 11, 2021
Monday Oct 11, 2021
Ronald McDonald, Camping Permits & a Radio Ad: Anchorage’s Sex Industry History
Anchorage has a long history with the sex industry dating back to the city’s founding. In this episode we explore that history. But what does Ronald McDonald, camping permits and radio ads have to do with that? Listen to find out.
All during this season of the AnchorEd City Podcast we are exploring places in the city where things are, or are becoming, more like they should be for all people.
During the months of September, October, and November we are partnering with Kaladi Brothers Coffee to hear from you about what would make Anchorage the way it is supposed to be for all people. Go to: AnchorageUTC.org/allpeople for participating locations and more info.
Can’t make it to a café? No worries.
You can share your thoughts by going to facebook.com/AnchorageUTC.
Resources used to make this episode:
Rosy Kandathil, Global Sex Trafficking and the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000: Legislative Responses to the Problem of Modern Slavery, 12 MICH. J. GENDER & L. 87 (2005). Available at: https://repository.law.umich.edu/mjgl/vol12/iss1/2 -
Carlson, P.D. and Bill, L.D., 2008. Aunt Phil's Trunk: 1912-1935 (Vol. 3). Aunt Phil's Trunk. p .40-43 & 85.
Carlson, P.D. and Bill, L.D., 2015. Aunt Phil's Trunk: 1960-1984 (Vol. 5). Aunt Phil's Trunk. p. 363 & 367.
Monday Oct 04, 2021
S2:E5 - Dialogue Over Difference: Three Inspiring Conversations
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Dialogue over Difference: Three Inspiring Conversations
This episode is a collection of three short interviews. Each interview highlights religious leaders engaged in dialogue despite their differences. These interviews are examples of how Anchorage is becoming the way it is supposed to be for all people.
Rick Benjamin: Director of Organizational and Spiritual Wellness, Hope Community Resources & Pastor Emeritus, Unite Church - www.hopealaska.org & www.unitechurchak.org
Undra Parker: Pastor, Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church - https://www.shilohmbcalaska.org
Dawn Allen-Herron: Associate Rector, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church - https://www.godsview.org
Jessica Louwerse: Co-Director, Anchorage Urban Training Collaborative / Reclaim: Spiritual Community – www.AnchorageUTC.org & www.AKreclaim.org
Abram Goodstein: Rabbi, Congregation Beth Sholom & Co-Host, What Divines Us Podcast - www.frozenchosen.org & www.whatdivinesus.podbean.com
Matt Shultz: Pastor, First Presbyterian Church & Co-Host, What Divines Us Podcast - www.firstpresanchorage.org & www.whatdivinesus.podbean.com
All during this season of the AnchorEd City Podcast we are exploring places in the city where things are, or are becoming, more like they should be for all people.
During the months of September, October, and November we are partnering with Kaladi Brothers Coffee to hear from you about what would make Anchorage the way it is supposed to be for all people. Go to: AnchorageUTC.org/allpeople for participating locations and more info.
Can’t make it to a café? No worries.
You can share your thoughts by going to facebook.com/AnchorageUTC.
Resources used to make this episode:
Monday Sep 27, 2021
S2:E4 - Divine Discord: Religious Division in Anchorage
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Divine Discord: Religious Division in Anchorage
You may have heard it said, “Religion has been the cause of all the major wars in history” and while that is an overstatement there is a lot of conflict in the area of religion. In this episode we will consider religious division in Anchorage.
All during this season of the AnchorEd City Podcast we are exploring places in the city where things are, or are becoming, more like they should be for all people.
During the months of September, October, and November we are partnering with Kaladi Brothers Coffee to hear from you about what would make Anchorage the way it is supposed to be for all people. Go to: AnchorageUTC.org/allpeople for participating locations and more info.
Can’t make it to a café? No worries.
You can share your thoughts by going to facebook.com/AnchorageUTC.
Resources used to make this episode:
https://trippfuller.com/2021/09/01/diana-bass-brian-mclaren-20-years-of-religious-decline/ (apx. 37:00)
Armstrong, K., 2015. Fields of blood: Religion and the history of violence. Random House, p.3-4.
Moberg, D., 2007. The great reversal: Reconciling evangelism and social concern. Wipf and Stock Publishers.
Jones, R.P., 2016, The end of white Christian America, Simon and Schuster, New York.
Emerson, M.O. and Smith, C., 2001. Divided by faith: Evangelical religion and the problem of race in America. Oxford University Press, USA.
Frank Newport, “Religious Group Voting and the 2020 Election,” Gallup, November 13, 2020, https://news.gallup.com/opinion/polling-matters/324410/religious-group-voting-2020-election.aspx
Rob Boston, “Assessing the Religious (and Non-Religious) Vote in 2020,” Wall of Separation Blog, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, November 12, 2020, https://www.au.org/blogs/2020-religious-vote
Kiekintveld, J.S., 2019. Join Me in the Commons: Towards a Contextual Urban Ministry Education Model for Anchorage, Alaska (Doctoral dissertation, University of Pretoria). https://repository.up.ac.za/handle/2263/75257
Kelly, D., 2015, ‘History repeats itself as public debates Anchorage gay rights ordinance’, Alaska Daily News, 15 September, 2015, viewed 4 October 2015, from http://www.adn.com/article/20150915/history-repeats-itself-public-debates-anchorage-gay- rights-ordinance.
Doogan, S., 2014, ‘As Pride Fest kicks off, LGBT Alaskans reflect on years of change’, Anchorage Daily News, 7 June, 2014, viewed 1 February 2019, from https://www.adn.com/alaska- news/article/alaska-pride-fest-kicks-are-lgbt-alaskans-any-better-they-used-be/2014/06/08/.
Anderson, H., 1999, ‘Seeing the other whole: A habitus for globalisation’, in P.H. Ballard & Globalisation and difference: Practical theology in a world context, pp. 3-17, Cardiff Academic Press, Cardiff.
Monday Sep 20, 2021
S2:E3 - “We have to go to them”: The Klatt Elementary Back-to-School Picnic
Monday Sep 20, 2021
Monday Sep 20, 2021
“We have to go to them”: The Klatt Elementary Back-to-School Picnic
On this episode we take a trip to the Klatt Elementary Back-to-School picnic and discover why that barbeque, in an unused lot, on a dead end street, is not a dead end in itself, but rather a new beginning.
Mary Wood – Klatt Elementary Assistant Principle
Genevieve Stephens - Klatt Elementary Librarian
Alicia Busick - Klatt PTA Secretary
All during this season of the AnchorEd City Podcast we are exploring places in the city where things are, or are becoming, more like they should be for all people.
During the months of September, October, and November we are partnering with Kaladi Brothers Coffee to hear from you about what would make Anchorage the way it is supposed to be for all people. Go to: AnchorageUTC.org/allpeople for participating locations and more info.
Can’t make it to a café? No worries.
You can share your thoughts by going to facebook.com/AnchorageUTC.
Nominate The AnchorED City for Best Podcast (in the entertainment section) of the Anchorage Press 2021 Press Picks here:
Nominations close Sept. 23, 2021.